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Andersson C, Rinne M, Staub I, Wanne T, 2003. The on-going pillar stability experiment at the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory, Sweden . In the proceedings of GeoProc 2003, International conference on coupled T-H-M-C processes in Geo-systems: Fundamentals, Modelling, Experiments & Applications. Eds. Stephansson O, Hudson J A, Jing L. Stockholm, Sweden , p. 385–390.

Alber M, Heiland J, 2001. Investigation of a Limestone Pillar Failure. Part 1: Geology, Laboratory Testing and Numerical Modeling. Rock Mech. Rock Engng (2001) 34 (3), 167-186. Springer-Verlag , Austria .

Alber M, Heiland J, 2001. Investigation of a Limestone Pillar Failure. Part 2: Stress History and Application of Fracture Mechanics Approach. Rock Mech. Rock Engng (2001) 34 (3), 187-199. Springer-Verlag , Austria .

Backers T, Antikainen J, Rinne M, 2006a. Time dependent fracture growth in intact crystalline rock. Laboratory procedures and results. In the proceedings of GeoProc 2006 Editor Xu W. 2nd International conference on coupled T-H-M-C processes in Geo-systems. Nanjng , China , p. 261-266.

Backers T, Stephansson O, Moeck I, Holl H-G, Huenges E, 2006b. Numerical borehole breakout analysis using FRACOD2D. EUROCK 2006-Multiphysics Coupling and Long Term Behaviour in Rock Mechanics. Taylor & Francis Group, London .

Backers T, Stephansson O, 2007. Time Dependent Fracture Growth in Intact Crystalline Rock: New laboratory procedures. ISRM 11th International Congress on Rock Mechanics, Lisboa Portugal .

Barton N, 2006. Rock Quality, Seismic Velocity, Attenuation and Anisotropy. Taylor & Francis Group, London .

Hudson J A, Jing L, 2007. Understanding and characterizing of the Excavation Disturbed Zone (EDZ). D-THMC, Task B Phase 2 report. Contributions from modelling teams. Eds. Hudson and Jing. DECOVALEX SKI Report 2007:08.

Hudson J A, Bäckström A, Rutqvist J, Jing L, 2007. Characterising and Modelling the Excavation Damaged Zone (EDZ) in Crystalline Rock in the Context of Radioactive Waste Disposal. D-THMC, Task B Phase 6 report. DECOVALEX SKI Draft Report November 2007.

Lee H-S, Jing L, Shen S, Rinne M, 2003. Modelling brittle fracture and damage between deposition holes by excavation and thermal loading with a stress reconstruction technique. Proceedings of European Commission CLUSTER Conference. Luxembourg , 3-5 November 2003, p. 151-154.

Lee H-S, Rinne M, Shen B, 2006. Modelling discrete fracturing of wall blocks on a deposition hole by THM loading. In the proceedings of GeoProc 2006. Editor Xu W. 2nd International conference on coupled T-H-M-C processes in Geo-systems. Nanjng , China , p. 332-337.

Rinne M, 2000. Propagation of rock fractures in the vicinity of a canister hole for spent nuclear fuel. Licentiate Thesis. Royal Institute of Technology , Engineering Geology. Stockholm , Sweden .

Rinne M, Shen B, Stephansson O, Röshoff K, 2000. BEMF modelling of fracture propagation around a canister hole for spent nuclear fuel. 14 th . Nationales Symposium für Felsmechanik und Tunnelbau, Proceedings pp.369-374. DGGT/ISRM EUROCK 2000 Aachen 27-30 March, 2000.

Rinne M, 2006. Time-dependent fracturing of rock mass. The Finnish Research Programme on Nuclear Waste Management (KYT) 2002-2005. Final Report. VTT research notes 2337. Espoo 2006. Edited by Rasilainen K. ISBN 951-38-6786-2.

Rinne M, Shen B, Lee H-S, 2003a. Modelling of fracture stability by FRACOD. Preliminary results. Äspö Pillar Stability Experiment. R-03-05. The Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co (SKB), Stockholm , Sweden .

Rinne M, Shen B, Lee H-S, Jing L, 2003b. Thermo-mechanical simulations of pillar spalling in SKB APSE test by FRACOD. In the proceedings of GeoProc 2003, International conference on coupled T-H-M-C processes in Geo-systems: Fundamentals, Modelling, Experiments & Applications. Editors: Stephansson O, Hudson J A, Jing L. KTH, October 13–15, 2003, Stockholm , Sweden , p. 421-426.

Rinne M, Shen B, Stephansson O, Lee H-S, 2003c. Failure simulation of rock structures. Finnish Symposium on Rock Mechanics. The Finnish National Group of ISRM. Finnish Society of Rock Engineering Geology. In Finnish.

Rinne M, Shen B, Lee H-S, 2004. Modelling of fracture development of APSE by FRACOD. Äspö Pillar Stability Experiment. R-04-04. The Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co (SKB), Stockholm , Sweden .

Rinne M, Jussila P, Eloranta E, 2005. DECOVALEX THMC – Finnish contribution for international modelling project on coupled processes. Finnish Symposium on Rock Mechanics. The Finnish National Group of ISRM. Finnish Society of Rock Engineering Geology. In Finnish.

Rinne M, Shen B, Stephansson O, 2006. Numerical analysis of microstructural breakdown of compressed rock samples. EUROCK 2006-Multiphysics Coupling and Long Term Behaviour in Rock Mechanics. Taylor & Francis Group, London . ISBN 0 415 41001 0, p. 701-705.

Rinne M, Shen B, 2007. Numerical simulation of core tests using FRACOD in Understanding and characterizing of the Excavation Disturbed Zone (EDZ). DECOVALEX Task B Phase 2 report. In Hudson and Jing 2007. SKI Report 2007:08. Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate, www.ski.se.

Rinne M, Lee H-S, Shen B, Backers T, 2007a. FRACOD modelling of the EDZ evolution and experimental determination of subcritical crack growth parameters. Task B Phase 3 report. Appendix in Rutqvist et al. 2007. DECOVALEX SKI Report series (in print).

Rinne M, Shen B, Backers T, 2007b. Time and chemical effects on rock sample failure. Results from laboratory tests and numerical modelling. Submitted to GeoProc 2008, International conference on coupled T-H-M-C processes in Geo-systems. Polytech Lille , France .

Rutqvist J, Bäckström A, Jing L, Hudson J A, 2007. A benchmark simulation study of coupled THMC processes in the excavation disturbed zone associated with geological nuclear waste repositories. D-THMC, Task B Phase 3 report. Contributions from modelling teams. DECOVALEX SKI Draft Report November 2007.

Shen B, 1993. Mechanics of Fractures and Intervening Bridges in Hard Rocks. Doctoral Thesis. Royal Institute of Technology , Engineering Geology. Stockholm , Sweden .

Shen, B, Stephansson O, 1993a. Modification of the G-criterion of crack propagation in compression. Int. J. of Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 1993;47(2), p. 177-189.

Shen B, Stephansson O, 1993b. Numerical Analysis of Mixed Mode I and Mode II Fracture Propagation. Special issue for the 34 th U.S. Symposium of rock mechanics. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. 1993, Vol. 30, p. 861-867.

Shen B, Stephansson O, Einstein H, Ghareman B, 1995. Coalescence of open and closed cracks. – A laboratory investigation. J. of Geophys. Res. Vol. 100, p. 5975-5990.

Shen B, Stephansson O, 1996a. Near-field Rock Mechanical Modelling for Nuclear Waste Disposal. Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate (SKI). Report 96:17.

Shen B, Stephansson O, 1996b. Modelling of Rock Fracture Propagation for Nuclear Waste Disposal. Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate ( SKI). Report 96:18.

Shen B, Stephansson O, Rinne M, 2002. Simulation of borehole breakouts using FRACOD2D. Geomechanics in reservoir simulation. Int. Workshop. 5 to 7 Dec. 2001. Oil and Gas Science and Technology. Rev. IFP, Vol. 57, No. 5, p. 579-5690.

Shen B, Stephansson O, Rinne M, Lee H-S, Jing L, Röshoff K, 2004a. A fracture propagation code and its applications to nuclear waste disposal. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. 41 (3), p. 448-449.

Shen B, Stephansson O, Rinne M, H-S Lee, Kobayashi A, 2004b. FRACOD for continuum, discontinuum and fracture modelling of rocks. EUROCK 2004 & 53rd Geomechanics Colloquium. (Schubert ed. CD-ROM).

Shen B, Rinne M, Stephansson O, 2006. FRACOD2D. User's Manual ver 2.21, 2006. Fracom Ltd.

Shen B, Rinne M, 2007. A Fracture Mechanics Code for Modelling Sub-critical Crack Growth and Time Dependency. Proceedings of the 1st Canada-US Rock Mechanics Symposium. Ed. Eberhardt, Stead and Morrison, Vancouver B.C, p. 591-598.

Shi J, Shen B, Rinne M, 2007. Developing 3-dimensional displacement discontinuity code with cracks growth -FRACOD3D. Fracom Ltd, Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation (Tekes) and Hazama corp., Japan. Project report.

Stephansson O, Shen B, Rinne M, Backers T, 2002. Simulering av sprickpropagering kring bergborrhål med FRACOD2D. Bergmekanikdag 2002, SveBeFo, Stockholm Sweden .

Stephansson O, Shen B, Rinne M, Backers T, Koide K, Nakama S, Ishida T, Moro Y, Amemiya K, 2003. Geomechanical evaluation and analysis of research shafts and galleries in MIU Project , Japan . Proceedings of the 1st Kyoto International Symposium on Underground Environment. Ed. Saito T and Murata S. Kyoto University , Japan .

Tan X, 1996. Modelling of Drill String Buckling and Tool Indentation in Rock Drilling and Fragmentation. Doctoral Thesis. ISSN 0348-8373 / ISRN 1996:197. Luleå University of Technology , Sweden .

Update on 13.3 2008

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