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FRACOM provides competence in the field of rock and fracture mechanics:

  • research related to deep geological disposal of spent nuclear fuel
  • rock mechanic analyses for civil engineering and mining
  • feasibility studies for tunnelling projects
  • planning of site investigations
  • design of underground facilities and reinforcement
  • project management /technical inspection of tunnelling projects
  • numerical modelling in 2D and 3D
  • FRACOD helpdesk services
BergByggKonsult AB, Sweden
CSIRO, Australia
Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation, TEKES
GeoFrames, Gemany
Hazama Corporation, Japan
Helsinki University of Technology, Finland (HUT)
Korea Institute of GeoScience & Mineral Resource (KIGAM)
Leibniz Institute for Applied Geosciences, Germany (GGA)
Posiva , Finland
SK Engineering & Construction , Korea (SK E&C)
Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co (SKB)
Fracom Ltd,Farfarsbcken14,Fin-02400 Kyrkslätt.Finland, e-mail:info@fracom.fi