FRACOM provides competence in the field of rock and fracture mechanics:
- research related to deep geological disposal of spent nuclear fuel
- rock mechanic analyses for civil engineering and mining
- feasibility studies for tunnelling projects
- planning of site investigations
- design of underground facilities and reinforcement
- project management /technical inspection of tunnelling projects
- numerical modelling in 2D and 3D
- FRACOD helpdesk services
BergByggKonsult AB, Sweden |
CSIRO, Australia |
Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation, TEKES |
GeoFrames, Gemany |
Hazama Corporation, Japan |
Helsinki University of Technology, Finland (HUT) |
Korea Institute of GeoScience & Mineral Resource (KIGAM) |
Leibniz Institute for Applied Geosciences, Germany (GGA) |
Posiva , Finland |
SK Engineering & Construction , Korea (SK E&C) |
Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co (SKB) |