Object Properties (View)

Object Properties

Choose View|Object Properties to display a dialog box which shows the properties of a selected object (fracture, edge, hole etc.). The geometrical properties will be shown immediately after this function is selected. The user can alter these values via corresponding edit boxes.


For an Arc Object, the following properties will be displayed


Center_X: The X coordinate for the center of the Arc in meters.

Center_Y: The Y coordinate for the center of the Arc in meters.

Start Angle: Defines the start angle of the Arc in degrees.

End Angle: Defines the end angle of the Arc in degrees.

Radius: Specifies the radius of the Arc in meters.

No. of Elements: Specifies the number of the segments/elements on the Arc.


For a Line Object, the following properties will be displayed:

Start_X: specifies the starting x-coordinate for the Line in meters.

Start_Y: specifies the starting y-coordinate for the Line in meters.

End_X: specifies the ending x-coordinate for the Line in meters.

End_Y: specifies the ending y-coordinate for the Line in meters.

Line Length: specifies the length of the Line in meters (Not editable).

No. of Elements: specifies the number of the segments/elements on the Arc.

If the selected object is a fracture, the mechanical properties (shear and normal stiffness, friction angle and cohesion) can be viewed and modified by clicking icon "Define Fracture Properties" in the current Window.

If the selected object is a boundary (edge, hole etc.), the boundary conditions of the object can be viewed and modified by clicking icon "Define Boundary Conditions".