Example 1 - Single fracture subjected to normal tensile stress

(1) Problem definition

A 2m fracture in an infinite rock mass is under uniaxial tensile stress of 50MPa in the direction perpendicular to the fracture plane. The elastic properties of the rock mass are:

E = 40GPa

v = 0.25.

The strain energy release rate in mode I for this problem is calculated by using the FRACOD2D code with 30 elements along the fracture.

(GI)FRACOD = 190×103 J/m2

The theoretical solution of this problem gives the stress intensity factor (KI) as

where a = half length of the fracture.

The theoretical strain energy release rate is then calculated as:

The difference between the numerical result and the theoretical result is approximately 3%.

In this example, the critical strain energy release rates of fracture propagation are:

GIc =50 J/m2

GIIc =1000 J/m2 .

As the fracture propagation is pure mode I along the fracture's original plane, only the critical strain energy release rate in mode I (GIc) is useful. The F-value obtained from the FRACOD2D modelling is:

The F-value is by far greater than the critical value 1.0. Hence fracture propagation is detected.

(2) Input data



Single fracture subjected to normal tensile stress

SYMMETRY -- Model symmetry

0 0.00 0.00

MODULUS - Poisson's Ratio and Young's modulus

0.25 0.40E+11

TOUGHNESS -- Gic and Giic

50. 1000.

PROPERIES -- mat, kn. ks,phi,coh

1 0.10E+14 0.10E+14 30.0 0.00E+00

SWINDOW -- xll,xur,yll,yur,numx,numy

-3.00 3.00 -3.00 3.00 30 30

STRESSES -- sxx,syy,sxy

-0.0E+07 0.50E+08 0.00E+00

FRACTURE -- nume,xbeg,ybeg,xend,yend,kode,mat

30 -1.000 -0.000 1.000 0.000 2 1

CYCL 1000



(3) FRACOD2D model


The following are two snapshots for this model simmulated by using Fracod2D: